Future Farmers of America (FFA)

Garrison FFA receiving the Golden Horizon Award
at the State Convention in Corpus Christi, Texas.
To become a member of the Garrison FFA, an agriculture student MUST pay his/her $20.00 FFA dues to participate in any FFA activity, including field trips, meetings, conventions, livestock shows, Leadership and Career Development Events, Speaking Development Events and other events.
If payment is submitted by October 1, students will receive a Free T-shirt along with the numerous opportunities offered through the FFA Organization.
FFA Membership forms are available for students in the 8th-12th Grade at the Garrison Ag Department.
The plan for Pineywoods Fair 2020 is to go forth as normal validation will be on June 20th. You as the exhibitor will have to sign a form that says you understand the fair could not happen due to unknowing circumstances going forth with COVID-19. Please let us know if you are considering showing an animal at the Pineywoods Fair. Do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email if you have any questions or concerns.
Please submit your Garrison FFA Exhibitor Form with the $20 Exhibitor Membership Fee to the Garrison Ag Science Department OR you may bring to validation on June 20th. If you would like a form emailed directly to You, please let us know.